The Nosferatu Conspiracy Book Two: The Sommelier
An epic paranormal chase thriller set during the Battle of Arras in March 1917. The second book in the multi-award winning Nosferatu Conspiracy series is a gonzo horror mash-up of Gothic fiction, suspense-thriller, and historical fantasy that tells the shocking supernatural cover-up of Kaiser Wilhelm’s true intentions for starting World War I..
Release Date: March 20, 2022
Winner! Best Horror Novel, 2023 Independent Press Award
Winner! Best Supernatural Fiction, Bronze Medal. 2022 Readers' Favorite Book Awards
Finalist (2nd Place)—2022 Pacific Book Awards, Best Paranormal Fiction
Longlisted Finalist: 2022 Millennium Book Awards
"Gage excels at unsettling readers through his sharp, startling imagery...complex mythology...the tale proves an immersive and monster-filled epic...[A]rich horror story that imagines a secret occult history of Europe."—KIRKUS REVIEWS
★ Starred Review ". . . a grand-scale storytelling tour de force . . . Few writers have the creative courage and literary chops to pull off this audacious epic . . . Gage achieves this in grand style . . . action & adventure hurtle across the pages . . . will literally leave readers breathless . . . one of the most wildly original and entertaining series readers will ever experience . . . Fans of grand-scale, genre-blending storylines like Justin Cronin's The Passage and Stephen King's The Dark Tower will cherish this dark masterwork." — Blue Ink Review
★★★★★ (Out of 5) "The Sommelier confirms [Gage's] place as a rising star amongst the best Gothic Horror authors . . . searingly haunting . . . raise the hairs on the back of your neck and work up to exceedingly chilling climaxes . . . madness & despair . . . a simply superb Gothic Horror, an extraordinary five star read!"—Book Viral Reviews
★★★★★ (Out of 5) ". . . filled with secret pacts and dangerous new figures . . . Chilling and terrifying . . . intelligent and convincing historical horror . . . The plot is clever . . . all the trademarks of classic, sinister horror& wartime action . . . This novel delivers it all, and then some: a truly unmissable read." — KC Finn, Readers' Favorite
★ Starred Review "vivid, graphic . . . and evocative . . . fascinating & enthralling . . . the beautifully laid out story, charming characters & narration were exceptional. Brian James Gage is a creative genius & his work is splendid. He is brilliant in his art and will attract more readers to follow books in this genre. The thrill one gets from reading this book is out of this world . . . full of drama, unexpected twists & turns & action that will engross you . . . exhilarating events . . . The Gothic theme . . . and horror together with the drama will raise your hair as you read. The Sommelier would make a good movie . . . flawlessly described . . . magnificent . . ." — Hollywood Book Reviews
★★★★★ (Out of 5) "Brian James Gage has blown me away with the creativity of his storytelling . . . a supernaturally dark twist . . . a very creative yet believable plot . . . The character development is amazing . . . if you love history and otherworldly things, this book will definitely call to you." — Tiffany Ferrell, Readers' Favorite
★★★★★ (Out of 5) "Brian James Gage has done it again! Prince Felix and his group must find a way to defeat the horror about to rain down on an unsuspecting Europe . . . with the exceptional talent of Gage's character development, the reader is transported into the mystical, magical, and demonic world of WWI . . . hanging on white-knuckled, hoping and praying that our heroes will emerge triumphant . . . I applaud Gage and his work." — Teresa Syms, Readers' Favorite
★★★★ " . . . a new supernatural twist to World War I . . . one heart-racing chase to another . . . dark, elaborate plot that includes creatively portrayed supernatural beings . . . impressively intricate, thoroughly developed world . . . the thrill of intense horror . . . the delight of shuddering through various hair-raising developments . . . vividly described action scenes . . . intriguing, spine-chilling characters and events that are sure to keep you up at night." — The San Francisco Book Review
". . . epic gothic alt-history nail-biter . . . vividly rendered . . . a mesmeric fog of decay . . . engaging, detailed accounts of inventively corrupted history . . . vigorous horror-adventure storytelling . . . zeal for research and what-if gamesmanship is matched by a talent for shiver-inducing portents. This highly particular blend of flavors will thrill readers . . . style and exciting pulp flourishes . . . A vigorously imagined vampire epic telling the secret supernatural history of the first World War." —BookLife Reviews
"...dark & powerful . . . The world-building & mythos [in this novel] is truly incredible . . . rich & vivid imagery . . . gripping . . . an exciting read . . . chilling imagery . . . an instant classic. Haunting, gripping, & entertaining as heck . . . must-read novel of 2022! The perfect historical fiction tale meets occult horror . . . a captivating story that is not to be missed."—Alysssa Avina, Pacific Book Review
"battle-charged scenarios . . . high-octane occult drama . . .Vivid aerial battles . . . compelling . . . outstanding imagery and action keep paranormal history readers thoroughly engaged and on their toes . . . striking details, both gruesome & graphic . . . dialogue and twists and turns that readers won't see coming . . . complexity & lavish detail . . ." —MidWest BookReview
★★★★ "...sinister...power-mad storylines...epic stakes...The story weaves fantasy and reality into a remarkable tapestry...thrilling for readers...this book overflows with thrilling moments and unexpected turns...enthralling...a gruesome but thrilling work of alternate history."—Self-Publishing Review
"...Offers a great deal of adventure, intrigue, blood, and-surprisingly-laughs. Filled with historical figures...the way that Gage is able to flip the actual reasons for this war is impressive. ...enjoy the ride...Gage's second book blends history and fiction in a fantastic way, leaving the reader wanting to continue...a wonderful spin on the real-life events...If you're looking for a book that is going to transport you through time in a new way...Gage has that book for you."—S. McGee, Hear Us Scream
"Historical horror done right...fantastical spins...an entertaining mix of thriller, historical fiction, and horror...action scenes that are a mixture of thrilling & disturbing...very well done edge-of-your-seat moments...an entertaining yarn, combining horror and history into a thriller of two vampire hunters fighting a vast occult conspiracy" —Ben Azarte, Cultured Vultures
★★★★.5 (Out of 5) "...a wonderful tale...scary...a well-written witch attack...Once I researched a little, I could see how clever Gage's story is and was glad to have learned so much...an enjoyable story...a fantastic climax...I look forward to [Book Three]. —Manhatten Book Reivew
★★★★ "...brims with unsettling depictions of horrific supernatural beings...visceral...atmospheric...Historical figures & real world events are well represented...intriguing...Strong & stylistic...considerable world building...the action scenes are unyielding and compelling...a sprawling, enthralling horror novel about the supernatural elements hidden within history."—Foreword Reviews